The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)


- By Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21 Apr 20

Compassion­ate influences could see you in the mood to give to others. There is a more awkward aspect developing though, and this can bring on feelings of frustratio­n if someone has taken advantage of your kindness. Now may be the time to nip it in the bud.

Taurus Apr 21 May21

Lively Mercury’s positive connection with feisty Mars can boost your energy and give you the confidence to make changes in your life.

There is no need to listen to others who might want to hurry you along, as this is something that is best done in your own time.

Gemini May 22 Jun 21

You can use your powers of persuasion to encourage others to follow your lead over coming days, but it would be wise not to try to force the pace. Other factors in your chart suggest that adopting the opposite approach of giving others space can be more rewarding.

Cancer Jun 22 Jul 23

With a lovely blend of energies in your leisure zone, this is very much the time to explore the pleasures of life and even to indulge in some self-care.

If you have the time and opportunit­y then invite some friends to join you for a spa treatment or an outing together.

Leo Jul 24 Aug 23

With sensual Venus aligning with Neptune, the coming days could see you preferring to stand back from life and enjoying some self-care if possible. There may be one issue that you can’t steer clear of though. A determined approach can help you conclude it.

Virgo Aug 24 Sep 23

While a part of your focus can be on making bold plans, another side of you may be content to spend time with others who leave you feeling good. There is an idealistic quality showing up that can encourage you to seek out those who share your love of a cause or set of beliefs.

Libra Sep 24 Oct 23

With a potent aspect on the cards that involves dynamic Mars in your sign, you could note a tendency to dwell on the worse-case scenario instead of the more positive version. However, gently facing up to them can be life affirming and very good for you.

Scorpio Oct 24 Nov 22 Over coming days an aspect of your life could seem to intensify, and it may be related to an issue that has been ongoing for some time. With such a positive blend of energies in your sign Scorpio, you can find that you are more able to forgive others, and also to be kind to yourself.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 Dec 21

Someone may be trying to persuade you that their course of action is the best of all. Neverthele­ss, your instincts could be warning you that this is not so, and that you should steer clear at all costs. If you feel so strongly though, it is best not to give in.

Capricorn Dec 22 Jan 20

There may be a lot of positive things happening in your life, which is good news. However, you may be on the verge of a breakthrou­gh regarding a personal goal or other plan, it can be time to give your all to your venture.

Aquarius Jan 21 Feb 19

Just as you may be about to produce a proverbial rabbit from the hat and dazzle those around you with your skills and abilities, a key alignment could cause you to trifle with your best efforts. This is likely not a part of your plan, but perhaps due to a buried incident.

Pisces Feb 20 Mar 20

You might find yourself in the position of supporting one friend, but perhaps alienating yourself from others, which could be difficult. With an intense aspect building, it seems there may be no middle ground and you may be pushed into making a choice.

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