The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Negotiatio­n shows up ‘weakest link’


Sir, – The weakest link has been identified in the latest Brexit negotiatio­n and that “honour” falls to the dunce who allowed the EU fishing fleets to carry on as before with Common Fishery entitlemen­ts.

The purpose of leaving the EU and its multi-layered, rule-imposing, bully-boy threatenin­g and lavish spendthrif­t lifestyle was to regain our unique UK sovereignt­y with all the opportunit­ies and benefits, whilst harnessing all our assets and talent for the years ahead.

This capitulati­on of our great marine asset is a monumental own goal and heads need to roll for their betrayal of north-east communitie­s dependent on a resurgent fishing industry.

Access to UK waters in future must cost every nation a huge fee (billions of pounds) so that the billions of pounds demanded by the EU exit charge can be met.

Common sense negotiatio­n, if you want it – that is our price.

Being in control of our waters will give the UK the choice to do reciprocal deals with, say, Denmark or Norway or others, but firstly let’s hear the outrage so that the politician­s and not fishing communitie­s will be expendable and never forget our proud people will not bend the knee to Common Fishery eurocrats again.

Angus McNair, Farnachty,

Clochan, Buckie

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