The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Sweet treats

Warmer days are just around the corner and bringing the promise of picnics, barbecues and lunches that last all afternoon

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Warmer days are just around the corner so why not try some early summer recipes

For centuries the traditiona­l sign that summer has arrived is the eruption of the creamy frothy elderflowe­r in the hedgerow. This ancient plant is synonymous with the magic and mystery of nature as bumble bees hum around the saucer-sized blossoms rich with pollen, packing their baskets with yellow gold as they have done for time immemorial, ready to transform it into sweet, sticky honey.

At Belvoir Fruit Farms, the arrival of the elderflowe­rs heralds a period of extreme industriou­sness as the sweet fragrant flowers are vital for their delicious drinks. Every year the artisanal cordial and pressé maker must harvest around 60 tonnes of elderflowe­rs to guarantee supply of their award-winning Elderflowe­r drinks.

While we may have some time to wait before we see the flowers bloom, their taste can be enjoyed year round via Belvoir’s Elderflowe­r Cordial which can be used in recipes, such as these created by lifestyle blogger English Mum, which are ideal for sharing with friends and family. Enjoy!

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