The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

First sea eagle chick born in Orkney for 140 years

Only successful breeding season since 1873 thrills birdwatche­rs


A white-tailed eagle chick has successful­ly hatched in Orkney for the first time in 140 years.

The bird, also known and recognised as a sea eagle, is the first to hatch following unsuccessf­ul nesting attempts in 2015 and 2016 by its parents in Hoy.

Lee Shields, RSPB Scotland’s Hoy warden, said: “It’s fantastic that the eggs laid in spring have hatched, the first successful breeding season here since the 19th century.

“This breeding attempt is still at the early stages, with young often in the nest for up to 14 weeks.

“Everybody was so excited when the first pair arrived and we’ve been keeping our fingers crossed for this ever since.

“We were hugely disappoint­ed when a previous pair abandoned the territory last year.

“So to have at least one chick now is even more special.”

S e a e a g l e s w e r e reintroduc­ed to Orkney five years ago after an absence of 95 years. A national reintroduc­tion programme in the 1970s has seen sea eagles successful­ly become mainstays of the UK wildlife scene after the species was wiped out in 1918, when the last known bird was shot on Shetland. It is not known whether the pair of sea eagles on Hoy are from the Scottish mainland or if they have travelled from Scandinavi­a.

Mr Shields added: “Even though they hadn’t nested here since 1873, whitetaile­d eagles have long been associated with Orkney’s natural and cultural heritage. Our reserve in Hoy is already home to hen harriers, great skuas, red-throated divers and more, so to see the eagles return shows how special this environmen­t is.

“Now we’re hoping the chicks do well as it’s always uncertain with first-time parents.”

An Eaglewatch programme is being run by the RSPB from Dwarfie Stone car park allowing visitors and bird watchers to get a glimpse of the chick and parents. It is estimated Scotland now has over 100 breeding pairs of sea eagles.

 ??  ?? WHERE EAGLES DARE: One of the parents of the white-tailed eagle chick which has hatched on the island of Hoy in Orkney
WHERE EAGLES DARE: One of the parents of the white-tailed eagle chick which has hatched on the island of Hoy in Orkney

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