The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Referendum win should need 66%


SIR, – What a tangled mess we have woven. Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to hold a Brexit referendum on a simple majority vote?

I believe there is a sensible tradition of requiring a two-thirds majority in cases of huge constituti­onal change. Otherwise you can have huge change with 48% or 49% of your population opposed to that change. Not good. A shambles.

I feel the same way with independen­ce for Scotland. This should require a two-thirds, or even three-quarters, majority.

Until this looks likely, the Scottish Government, be it SNP or otherwise, needs to get stuck in and focus on the issues in hand. There is so much to improve.

Great success at this may bring independen­ce closer, and with a two-thirds rule, our people would not feel railroaded into leaving the UK by a constant bombardmen­t of indy talk.

Our first minister, I believe, is right. Focus on why we should be independen­t, not when. There are many people unconvince­d. Announce a two-thirds rule for such cataclysmi­c change, Nicola. It will break some chains, assuage some fears and encourage sensible and reasonable debate, without that horrid tinge of anxiety. For me, it would be unthinkabl­e, and morally wrong, to have an independen­t Scotland with perhaps 49% not in favour. A new nation cannot begins its journey on such feeble foundation­s.

For me, I am a Yes man, but only with a two-thirds vote rule.

Regardless of the party in power at Holyrood, I just feel Scotland should govern itself. When you travel through Europe, you are constantly reminded how far behind we are, in many things, and London rule has left us and many other parts of the UK in the doldrums.

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