The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Government guide aims to tackle human traffickin­g


The Scottish Government has published guidance for businesses aimed at helping them identify and prevent human traffickin­g and exploitati­on.

It calls on firms to carry out checks to ensure workers have access to their identifica­tion documents, and to provide employees with training to spot the signs of exploitati­on.

Under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, companies with a turnover of at least £36 million are legally required to publish an annual Slavery and Human Traffickin­g Statement.

Research undertaken by the government shows a “significan­t minority” of businesses do not appear to have published statements.

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has said he will write to all major Scottish companies who appear not to have met their duty.

At an Anti-Slavery Day conference hosted by the Scottish Government and

“This is one issue that boards simply cannot afford to ignore”

local government body Cosla, Mr Yousaf said: “Human traffickin­g and exploitati­on prey on the most vulnerable in society.

“Often hidden in plain sight and in legitimate businesses, these offences are on the increase worldwide.

“Since our Traffickin­g and Exploitati­on Strategy was published in 2017 we have made significan­t progress but businesses need to understand the risks and tackle the conditions that foster these crimes.

“With investors increasing­ly focusing on human traffickin­g as a business risk, this is one issue that boards simply cannot afford to ignore.”

He added: “The guidance launched today offers practical advice for businesses of all sizes and I hope it will help more companies to identify and traffickin­g and exploitati­on across their operations, including in their supply chains.

“Our biggest firms must lead by example, ensuring they are not complicit.”

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