The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Dog left to run loose mauled sheep


A dog severely mauled sheep after its owner let it run loose on crofters’ common grazings in Lewis, a court heard yesterday.

Noelle Sharroch’s grey husky attacked the flock, killing three unborn lambs and one ewe. Another sheep was badly injured and the rest were stressed.

She pleaded guilty to the charge.

Procurator fiscal Karen Smith told Stornoway Sheriff Court the incident occurred on a Saturday afternoon in February near the fank, or livestock pen, on Newvalley common grazings, near Stornoway.

A local crofter spotted the dog “running and worrying several sheep”.

One ewe was dead on the ground, with blood and torn wool on its body, which had evidence of dog bites.

Another animal, which was carrying twin lambs, was alive but could not stand.

The husky was still running around chasing the sheep and eventually the crofter managed to grab it.

“A local crofter spotted the dog running and worrying sheep”

Lawyer Angus Macdonald said his client was “deeply embarrasse­d” and had paid compensati­on to the livestock owners.

He said no sheep had ever been on the moor in the two months since she started using the peat track to the fank.

Initially, she walked the dog on the lead but over time she let him roam around because she had not seen sheep.

The dog has not been put down, the court heard.

Sheriff David Sutherland called for a report on the dog and adjourned sentencing to next month.

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