The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Man in knife rampage against police


A man who took a cocktail of ecstasy and cocaine before going on a knife rampage only stopped trying to stab police officers when they ran him over with a car and tackled him with batons.

James McKinsley is facing a prison sentence following an incident which took place in St Andrews, Fife, on July 7 this year.

Several residents in the town’s Watson Avenue called 999 when they saw McKinsley shouting and brandishin­g two knives before making off towards Chamberlai­n Street.

Police officers quickly attended and found him in nearby Livingston­e Crescent holding the blades at shoulder height.

“Officers struck him several times with batons”

Depute fiscal Eilidh Robertson told Dundee Sheriff Court that McKinsley ran at the officers, with both blades aimed at PC Nicola Purves.

She said: “Sergeant Kevin Petrie then arrived in another vehicle and drove around Constable Purves to make a physical barrier.”

The court was told Sergeant Petrie “nudged” McKinsley with his vehicle, causing him to fall.

His efforts to then stab the officers thwarted, McKinsley stabbed himself in the leg four times.

Officers struck him several times with batons until he dropped the second knife.

McKinsley, 27, a prisoner at Perth, pled guilty on indictment to two charges of assault, one of possessing a knife and one of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael deferred sentence for social work and psychiatri­c background reports.

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