The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Comments about SNP just ‘drivel’


SIR, – I really can’t let Derek Tucker’s sniping at our SNP Parliament­arians pass without comment. Absolutely inaccurate drivel!

He really should take the blinkers off.

The SNP is the third largest party in what is laughingly referred to as “Britain’s” Parliament, which is in reality England’s Parliament as the English outnumber every other nation’s representa­tives added together.

Every time one of our MPs stands up to speak they are greeted by a chorus of cat-calls, boos and jeers.

They are told to “Go back to Skye” and called “a piece of s***” – a perfect example of “boorish behaviour” but that’s apparently acceptable in his book. And how dare they play them at their own game!

As for the nonsense that “Britain” voted to leave the EU and the vote must be respected, “Britain” did no such thing, yet again we are told that this was “democracy”. Really?

With Parliament­ary numbers rigged in their favour, whatever suits their purpose can be pushed through.

They have removed powers from our Parliament and intend to keep them for up to seven years – this allows them to push through laws that they know the Scottish Parliament would never pass, such as selling off the NHS to American healthcare providers.

Then you have the nonsense that Scotland would face austerity for years and cannot survive or prosper as an independen­t nation. Propaganda at its finest.

The fourth largest “British” export is whisky, which appears on their balance sheet, not Scotland’s, as does oil and gas.

We can also query why the fishing line was moved from the land border to the well known English town of Montrose.

Perhaps the seven oil wells might have something to do with it?

Maybe they would like to give Scotland’s farmers the money from the EU that Gove spent in England?

They treat Scotland as a colony which they need to asset-strip to support their economy, and they need to maintain the fallacy it is a “United Kingdom” as they would also lose face on the world stage.

This “Union of Equals” never has been equal and if you care to look at the actual history, not the propaganda, this will become increasing­ly obvious.

Margaret Croll, Rannas Place,

Portessie, Buckie, Moray

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