The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

‘Without the deal we are putting democracy at risk’


I shared the concerns many of my colleagues had about the prime minister’s Withdrawal Agreement – particular­ly the backstop.

However, it is in the best interests of the UK and the EU to solve the Irish border issue before the transition ends, to avoid the backstop.

This deal provides certainty to businesses and people as we get ready to leave the EU. There is certainly no majority in Parliament for no deal.

Without the prime minister’s deal, or something like it, there is now a real risk that some members will attempt to subvert democracy and orchestrat­e a cancellati­on of Brexit, which would be unacceptab­le.

Nothing in this deal would have prevented us leaving the Common Fisheries Policy.

The SNP were so eager to scaremonge­r, that you might be forgiven for thinking they actually want Scottish fishermen to be betrayed.

The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation and other fisheries sector bodies agree with me that no red lines were crossed.

The leader of the opposition has called a motion of no confidence in the government and we now must debate that – instead of getting on with the task of delivering a pragmatic and orderly exit from the EU. I hope that we can return to this deal, perhaps with some amendments, in time to deliver the will of the British people.

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