The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Face masks: Transport leaders welcome policy


Nicola Sturgeon has announced face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from Monday.

Buses, trains, taxis and trams will be included in the rule, with only children under five, those with breathing problems or other physical conditions that make it difficult to wear a mask being exempt.

The first minister said: “We have for several weeks recommende­d that people should wear face coverings in enclosed spaces where physical distancing might not always be possible, such as on public transport and in shops.

“That is because of the evidence that wearing face coverings can reduce the risk of the virus being transmitte­d.

“If you have Covid, but maybe don’t realise it because you don’t have symptoms, a face covering reduces the risk of you passing the virus on to other people.”

Ms Sturgeon warned that coverings are not an “absolute safeguard” and should be used alongside the social distancing measures and hand-washing.

In a statement released after the announceme­nt, Transport Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Wearing a face covering while on public transport means you are playing your part in the collective effort to prevent the spread of coronaviru­s and reducing the risk to your fellow citizens.

“These measures complement physical distancing and good hand hygiene, they do not replace them.”

The Confederat­ion of Passenger Transport Scotland union director Paul White agreed, saying: “Passengers have worked with bus operators and with each other to maintain social distancing guidelines; we will be looking to them to work with us to ensure the policy is a success.”

Anthony Smith, the chief executive of the independen­t travel watchdog Transport Focus, said: “People thinking of returning to public transport have told us they want face coverings to be used by all passengers.

“Today’s decision will provide welcome clarity and will boost pressure on others to cover up.”

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