The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

SNP warns it may restart independen­ce planning

● Lack of Brexit compromise forcing party’ s hand, says Russell


Mike Russell, Scotland’s constituti­on secretary, has said the decision to halt planning for a second independen­ce referendum may need to be revisited due to the Brexit process.

He railed against these negotiatio­ns and what he said was a lack of talks with the devolved nations by the UK Government when he appeared before Holyrood’s culture, tourism, Europe

“There is no commitment to change no matter what is said”

and external committee.

The Scottish Government announced in March it would postpone planning for another independen­ce poll in 2020, an issue that was key to the SNP’s 2019 election campaign.

Following the general election, the Scottish Government requested the powers to hold a second independen­ce vote, which the prime minister rejected.

Mr Russell told MSPs the UK Government has refused to compromise on seeking an extension to the December 31 date that ends the EU transition affairs period despite the Scottish Government doing so on independen­ce.

He added: “The fact that they’ve refused to do so shows me that the compromise we have taken in order to ensure that all our resources are focused on Covid-19 is something we will need to revisit.”

The cabinet minister said this is “one of the bigger impacts you can have on the economy” without the risk of the increased spread of coronaviru­s.

He questioned the timing of the Brexit process, which is expected to coincide with a recovery from one of the worst recessions in history due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr Russell said: “If you accept that is the case, what type of insanity would then lead you to suppose you could pile on an additional hit to GDP?

“The only reason for doing it would be because ideologica­lly you’re fixated by this or because you think you can hide the damage from Brexit under worse damage being done by something else.”

Mr Russell also criticised the joint ministeria­l committee, which brings together officials from the devolved administra­tions and the UK Government to discuss common issues.

A separate subcommitt­ee was set up specifical­ly for the EU negotiatio­ns.

Mr Russell said a number of ideas were put forward by the devolved countries but “zilch” was offered by the UK Government.

Mr Russell said: “We’ve brought ideas to the table, we’ve talked about them, we’ve published them.

“You have zilch from the UK Government. There is no commitment to change, no matter what is said.

“I believe there is a deep-rooted hostility to devolution and a view of the supremacy of Westminste­r that I believe can’t be changed.”

 ??  ?? FRUSTRATED: Constituti­on Secretary Mike Russell said the Scottish Government could have to ‘revisit’ independen­ce as Brexit looms
FRUSTRATED: Constituti­on Secretary Mike Russell said the Scottish Government could have to ‘revisit’ independen­ce as Brexit looms

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