The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

MEPs say deal on trade by July not possible


Senior MEPs have dismissed as “impossible” Boris Johnson’s call to agree a post-Brexit trade deal by next month, accusing the UK of an “unacceptab­le” bid to cherry-pick the benefits of EU membership from outside.

Following talks with Brussels on Monday, the prime minister called for a deal by the end of July, urging the EU to “put a tiger in the tank” and step up its efforts.

MEPs voted overwhelmi­ngly for a resolution that regretted a lack of real progress in talks so far and highlighte­d the substantia­l difference­s between the two sides.

Major stumbling blocks included the “level playing field” – conditions Brussels demands to ensure fair competitio­n by keeping the UK closely tied to EU standards on workers’ rights, the environmen­t and state subsidies – and fishing rights.

The current transition arrangemen­ts expire on December 31 and MEPs urged the EU to step up planning for a no-deal scenario on January 1.

Senior figures on both sides have said the latest a deal could be reached is the end of October.

David McAllister, who leads the European Parliament’s UK co-ordination group, said: “Let’s put some tiger in the tank but we need to know in which direction the car should drive.

“The European Parliament will not agree to a deal at any cost.”

As the UK approaches the end of the transition period, Politico reported a “shock and awe” campaign would aim to prepare the public for the changes on January 1.

The plan is part of a £4.5 million deal struck with media agency MullenLowe London, said the website.

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