The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

MP calls for SSE to reveal job plans


Western Isles SNP MP Angus MacNeil has called for the developer of a £3 billion North Sea wind farm to provide clarity on the number of Scottish jobs that will be created during constructi­on.

Mr MacNeil said Perth-headquarte­red SSE Renewables should “share their plans” for local job content for the 103-turbine Seagreen project – particular­ly for Scottish manufactur­ing firm Burntislan­d Fabricatio­ns’ facilities.

He also hit out at the developer for allowing turbine jacket manufactur­ing work to go abroad, in particular to China – as reported by The Press and Journal earlier this month.

The MP accused SSE Renewables of “acting unethicall­y” and ignoring local communitie­s.

He added: “It is in the public interest to know what promises

“Important thatSSEful­ly communicat­e theirinten­tions”

were made... to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy that Seagreen would achieve as part of a successful bid for taxpayer-funded Contracts for Difference.

“It is only right we know which parts of the contract SSE plan to place in Scotland.

“There are shovelread­y projects and yards waiting to build wind farm jackets which would employ people in Arnish on Lewis and in Fife. It is important that SSE fully communicat­e their intentions so they can be held accountabl­e.”

A spokeswoma­n for SSE Renewables, which has a 49% stake in Seagreen, with Total owning 51%, said it was “committed to maximising opportunit­ies throughout the supply chain for Scottish companies and businesses”.

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