The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Wehavework­edwithclie­ntswho havesucces­sfullyturn­edthreats intoopport­unities


This year has brought unpreceden­ted challenges to the Scottish food and drink sector. The agility, innovation and resilience shown by many producers is one of the few positives.

Effects of the pandemic and national lockdown have impacted each business differentl­y. Some firms have been forced to a standstill, while others have experience­d a surge in demand.

One significan­t consequenc­e of lockdown restrictio­ns and health and safety concerns has been a sharp rise in deliveries direct to the consumer.

This change in behaviour has presented multiple opportunit­ies for food and drink businesses, which Anderson Anderson & Brown (AAB) is helping clients to develop.

We are supporting firms with grant applicatio­ns, other fundraisin­g, and adapting and using technology to either open up new revenue streams, or revolution­ise their business model and operations.

We are finding medium and long-term growth strategies being accelerate­d to take advantage of immediate opportunit­ies and, in some cases, simply to survive.

Innovation and investment require significan­t thought and speaking to your adviser before taking action will help you plan.

We have worked with clients who have successful­ly turned threats into opportunit­ies, such as implementi­ng direct sales across many food and drink sub-sectors. Examples include agricultur­al businesses delivering meat and fresh produce to local households, restaurant­s offering takeaway food and retailers operating delivery services while their doors remain closed.

Other success stories include a catering client who successful­ly applied for the bounce back loan scheme, allowing them to accelerate growth plans and invest in contactles­s technology.

The cash injection also helped them to sell their fresh produce to a wider client base.

Another example of adaptabili­ty is a hospitalit­y client who has used the downtime to develop a large outdoor seating area, allowing them to reopen to the public and increase capacity with or without social distancing.

We have also seen alcohol retailers becoming distributo­rs for wine and spirit companies, offering online tasting sessions via video call platforms.

Innovation has been essential for businesses responding to the challenges presented by Covid-19, ranging from the developmen­t of product ranges to modifying operationa­l processes.

Cashflow and working capital requiremen­ts have been under greater scrutiny since the onset of the pandemic.

We encourage business owners and management teams to be mindful of the potential for research and developmen­t (R&D) funding.

AAB has secured R&D claims for a number of clients in recent weeks which provided a welcome boost to their working capital and cashflow during these unpreceden­ted times.

Businesses throughout the country have been accessing government­backed support such as VAT deferral, the job retention scheme (furloughin­g), and coronaviru­s business interrupti­on loans.

These measures have certainly helped steady the ship over recent weeks and months, but at AAB we want to encourage businesses to be more forward-looking.

We are encouragin­g firms to modify their projection­s and review internal processes, in order to make sure the right informatio­n is being used to make the correct decisions and formulate business plans for the short and medium-term.

Doing so will help to make sure their businesses are scalable and commercial­ly sustainabl­e.

Technology is also making a difference. Businesses that use cloud accounting see the benefits of being able to monitor their financial position using real-time informatio­n – giving them a stronger grasp of their cashflow and working capital.

 ??  ?? ON THE DOORSTEP: One consequenc­e of lockdown has been a surge in deliveries direct to the consumer
ON THE DOORSTEP: One consequenc­e of lockdown has been a surge in deliveries direct to the consumer
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