The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Whisky proving a great option


Scotland’s national drink is a “lucrative and sustainabl­e asset” for any savings portfolio in times of economic uncertaint­y or decline, according to niche investment company Braeburn.

Scotch was a popular investment during the Great Depression and recent market behaviour suggests it continues to offer significan­t financial gain potential amid the Covid-19 crisis, the firm added.

Braeburn sales director Samuel Gordon said: “Societal turbulence is often a time when investors take stock of their portfolio and examine new ways in which they

“Turbulence is often a time when investors take stock”

can protect and profit from their savings, and this global pandemic is no different.”

It is whisky casks specifical­ly that offer the “security and consistenc­y that evade traditiona­l asset classes”, said Braeburn.

Distilleri­es are struggling to keep up with demand for single malts, resulting in “a continuall­y increasing value”, the firm said, adding: “Independen­t bottlers, blenders and other investors are known to pay highly and quickly in current secondary markets.”

Casks have earned an average of 12.4% per annum over the past five years, said Braeburn, which has offices in Errol, in Perthshire, Spain and Singapore.

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