The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Hero postie Gavin foils break-in on his rounds


A sharp-eyed postie proved he is also a first-class crimefight­er by chasing off housebreak­ers while he was out on deliveries.

Gavin Wood was doing his round near Grantown when he became suspicious after seeing household items including a television set and a safe dumped at the side of the road.

He called the police but, worried officers would not arrive in time, he filmed the woud-be burglars and then tried to stop them escaping.

“I like my customers. I would do that for my customers any time,” he said.

Detective Sergeant Louise Thewlis, based at Aviemore Police Station, praised the “quick-thinking actions”.

Abrave postman interrupte­d his regular round to pursue a group of thieves who were breaking into a home in the Highlands.

Gavin Wood was out on his round in the Dulnain Bridge area, near Grantown, when he spotted some household valuables, including a TV and tools, dumped at the side of the road. Concerned, the postie of more than 20 years went into the nearby property and discovered a break-in in progress.

He chased the culprits away and then tried to smash the windscreen of the gold Volkswagen Golf they sped away in.

Mr Wood – who was left with a gash on his hand – has since shared the video footage he shot of the drama on his Facebook page and urged other residents in the area to be vigiliant.

The 39-year-old single dad from Grantown has been serving the Dulnain Bridge area for eight years.

Looking back, Mr Wood said he wouldn’t hesitate to act again to protect the livelihood­s of his customers.

“Those burglars are the lowest of the low,” he said.

“You work all your life; I’m a postie and I’m not exactly on a big-paying job and these ones come along and just decide to go into people’s privacy. It doesn’t matter who it was, I would do it again in a second.

“They could have had a knife or anything, but I didn’t think about that.”

He added: “I’ve known my customers for eight years and it’s your typical postie round – you know everyone, you get a cup of tea, you get tips at Christmas and you can leave things in places.

“I would do that for my customers any time.”

Police later found the burned-out car in Elgin, nearly 40 miles away.

Detective Sergeant Louise Thewlis, based at Aviemore Police Station, praised the efforts of the community and confirmed they are following a “positive line of inquiry.”

She said: “We were made aware of a housebreak­ing that was ongoing around 2.15pm on Tuesday July 6 in Dulnain Bridge.

“We have since received further important informatio­n relating to this incident.

“A gold Volkswagen Golf believed to be involved was recovered by officers burned out in Elgin hours later.

“We are following a positive line of inquiry.

“I would like to thank those who have helped us with our investigat­ion.”

Anyone with any informatio­n can contact police on 101.

 ??  ?? FEARLESS: Post worker Gavin Wood chased thieves.
FEARLESS: Post worker Gavin Wood chased thieves.

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