The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Council votes no to cap on strip club venues


Highland councillor­s have confirmed that they will not place any cap on the number of sex entertainm­ent venues (SEVs) that can operate in the area.

It follows strong criticism from NHS Highland, who called on the council to “show leadership” and set a zero cap on SEVs.

But at yesterday’s meeting, industry representa­tives and dancers of Inverness’ Private Eyes club hit back. Janet Hood spoke on behalf of her clients, Private Eyes and the Associatio­n of Adult Entertainm­ent Venues in Scotland.

Ms Hood said her client has run SEVs all over Scotland for 21 years and has never had any issues with violence, sexual assault, prostituti­on or human traffickin­g.

“They run safe venues where girls come to dance, and their dancers are admired by both men and women who go to their clubs,” said Ms Hood.

She added the club already offers many of the safeguards required by the licensing policy.

Ms Hood took aim at the statistics provided by NHS Highland in its damning response to the council’s public consultati­on. The health protection team and Violence Against Women group had provided research showing strong links between SEVs and domestic violence, sexual assault and human traffickin­g.

However, Ms Hood said much of the research was out of date – some of it by 30 years.

A representa­tive of United Sex Workers backed up this point, saying a zero cap does not protect dancers. In fact, cities that have banned SEVs now have more sexual assaults.

Councillor­s voted unanimousl­y to forge ahead with licensing sex entertainm­ent venues, and no cap will be put in place.

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