The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Law student snared as sex-threat phone caller


An Aberdeen University law student who terrified three fellow students with sexually-threatenin­g calls was caught when one of his victims turned the tables on him.

Adam Fowlie, 23, hid his phone number and disguised his voice with an automated voice generator as he made the menacing calls to three women.

He told one “I want to rape you” and then, chillingly, mentioned her name and where she lived.

Fowlie also bombarded another young woman with 17 calls in a week that were full of vile sexual remarks.

Aberdeen Sheriff Court was told he was eventually unmasked when one of his victims used a phone app that could reveal withheld phone numbers. Fowlie, who has been suspended from Aberdeen University, admitted to making nearly 40 calls where he made sexual comments and threatened sexual violence.

His solicitor said he was “ashamed”of his behaviour.

Fiscal depute Sean Ambrose told the court that Fowlie began his campaign of frightenin­g behaviour against the first woman at around 11.20am on September 10 2019.

After ignoring a number of the calls because she thought they were spam, the woman answered and heard a male voice “panting” before he made a lewd sexual comment.

He then bombarded her with repeated anonymous calls and when she finally answered he used an automated voice that

“referred to the complainer by name and the town in which she resided”.

Fowlie then called back a few minutes later and stated her full name, before telling her “I want to rape you”. He then groaned in a sexual manner before terminatin­g the call.

On the same day, Fowlie called another woman who answered two “No Caller ID” calls to hear him groaning in a sexual way.

She downloaded an app called “Show The Number” and identified the phone number making the calls.

Fowlie made a further eight calls then was taken in by the police for questionin­g, where he denied making the calls but accepted it was his number.

Almost a month later, on October 6, Fowlie began repeatedly calling a third woman, telling her he was “so horny” and alarmed her with suggestive comments.

He called her a further six times the following day.

That evening he called the woman again and stated her name before making a sexually threatenin­g comment.

Fowlie went on to call the woman numerous times over several days when he either moaned or made a vile sexual comment.

He called the woman 17 times in less than a week before being arrested by police on November 2 2019.

Fowlie pleaded guilty to one charge of making repeated telephone calls that were of a sexual nature or threatened sexual violence.

He also admitted a second charge of making unsolicite­d calls to a fellow student in which he uttered sexual comments and a third charge of causing needless anxiety to a woman by making repeated calls where he made sexual comments or sexual noises.

Sheriff Morag McLaughlin deferred sentence on Fowlie, of Millview, Aulton Of Auquharney, Hatton, for a criminal justice social work report to be carried out.

She also placed him on the sex offenders’ register.

 ?? ?? Adam Fowlie.
Adam Fowlie.

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