The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)



With The Paul Lawrie Golf Centre celebratin­g its 10th birthday this year, his foundation, his sports agency and his support of the Tartan Tour, Lawrie has plenty going on to keep him busy off the golf course.

Golf is but one of his areas of focus these days, and he remains reluctant to make prediction­s about a timescale for his future as a tournament golfer.

He said: “I had given a little thought to not playing much more, because if I was honest I actually enjoy the other things I’m involved in more than playing.

“But I decided, if I was going to take part in Jersey, I should practise and play every day then see how it went.

“By the end of the week, I had hit the ball well, then went to Jersey and had a chance to win and followed it up by winning in Cornwall a week later.

“I will play a little bit more, but I’m still not going to play full-time. I’m not going to stop, but the days of me playing a full tour season are gone.

“I would hate to think I was taking a spot from somebody unless I was competitiv­e.

“But I am competitiv­e every time I play on the senior tour, so that’s the tour I will stick to playing on.”

As for his future Open participat­ion? With an exemption in place until the age of 60, it seems the 1999 champion is keeping an open mind.

Lawrie said: “I’ve not made any decision other than seeing how this year goes. I will never come out and say I’m not going to play, as your mind changes quite quickly as a golfer.

“I still had three years of my exemption left when I stopped on the European Tour, but I made the decision to stop as I knew I wouldn’t be able to compete against these guys given how they hit the ball.

“But The Open is different. You never know what the future holds, but I would like to think I will play more – this won’t be my last appearance.”

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