The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)



Morna Young is a playwright, actress and musician from Burghead. She was named Scots writer of the year at the 2019 Scots Language Awards and her new play The Stamping Ground, featuring the hit songs of Runrig, opens at Eden Court next Thursday. Visit for more informatio­n.

First record bought?

I think The Cranberrie­s No Need to Argue is the first CD I bought with my paper-round money.

Book that changed your life?

The Handmaid’s Tale blew my teenage mind. Margaret Atwood is a genius.

Most expensive purchase? Apart from my flat, it’s the tool of my trade: my laptop.

First job?

Paper-girl delivering the midweek extra edition.

Favourite time of day?

Dusk is always magical.

Last time you cried?

Yesterday in The Stamping Ground rehearsal room when I heard the cast sing a stunning version of Runrig’s All Things Must Change.

Worst fashion faux pas?

I tried to copy a cool boho lassie in school who wore silk scarves, except I wore mine over a sports hoodie. Oops.

Favourite holiday destinatio­n?

I was fortunate to work in New Zealand in 2018, and I was wide-eyed at the spectacula­r scenery every day.

Idea of holiday hell?

A packed beach.

Biggest phobia?

I’m terrible with heights, and get sudden bouts of vertigo.

What are you watching on TV?

I’m faithful to River City (…even more so now Roisin is back), but I also adore Derry Girls.

Favourite movie?

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is my go-to comfort blanket.

How do you relax?

Reading is my happy place.

Best advice you’ve been given?

My auntie Stella told me to look at problems like hurdles – you can only overcome one at a time.

Who you last spoke to on the phone?

Davey Anderson who is composing my play Americana: A Murder Ballad.

First thing you did this morning?

Coffee. Always coffee. And more coffee.

Worst mistake?

Too many to count!

Your inspiratio­n?

My father was lost at sea when I was a child, and I always try to make him proud.

Would most like to meet?

I’ve always had a fascinatio­n with author Muriel Spark, so she’d be high on my list.

Childhood crush?

Leonardo DiCaprio.

Weirdest fan gift (or present you’ve received)?

I was gifted a drawn portrait which was artistical­ly beautiful – but looked nothing like me.

Quirky habits?

When I’m deep in writing, I always jumble my sentences when I’m talking aloud and say words in the wrong order.

Worst meal?

I don’t eat meat, so a steak house isn’t ideal!

What makes you laugh?

Everyday human quirks – I love finding silly moments in life.

Most embarrassi­ng moment?

During a school talent show, I ran off stage because of nerves.

Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?

Can I have James McAvoy instead, please?

Beauty is?

Sunset on Burghead beach (my hame toon).

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Leonardo DiCaprio.

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