The Press and Journal (Inverness, Highlands, and Islands)

Media’s assault on laudable Act


Sir, – With great shame but no big surprise I note this week how the British media in Scotland has gone into full-throated encouragem­ent of turning haters into victims.

The broadcast and print media in Scotland has been rammed full of fear stories regarding the new hate Bill.

Every news bulletin describing what should be a laudable and progressiv­e Act as “controvers­ial”.

The Bill itself only adds to protection of vulnerable people and groups and is the same as there is in England and in other countries and with a very high bar of criminalit­y in order to protect vital principles of free speech.

It was agreed by every party in Holyrood except the perennial nay-sayers in the Conservati­ve and Unionist Party who seem to exist only to exemplify negativity and as an example of how not to conduct civic affairs.

The Scottish people deserve a better set up for their informatio­n and comment rather than the incessant attacking of every aspect of our Scottish Government and its policies and aspiration­s.

A media determined to undermine any divergence from the UK lest it shows that competence, compassion and clarity are actually possible.

Daily deflection from the serious and huge global and national issues which need our urgent attention and considerat­ion. The outrage over the tragic and avoidable death of three British ex-servicemen working as aid workers in Gaza is another level of hypocrisy.

Meanwhile the genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinia­ns continues with British arms sales helping to kill wee boys and girls who did nothing wrong.

There is the target for your outrage – not a majority-supported Bill to protect the vulnerable. Peter E Smith,



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