The Rugby Paper




Between Danny Cipriani and Jimmy Gopperth, Conor Eastgate could not ask for better mentors, but as a young fly-half playing is the best thing for him and he is enjoying getting game time for Hinckley.

Joining the Wasps academy full-time after leaving Henley College this summer, Eastgate, 18, now gets to train with the club’s star studded squad on a daily basis and there is plenty of experience to draw from.

But just like promising props with the set piece, it takes time for a fly-half to learn how to marshal his troops and Eastgate is building his experience in the National League Two North being dual-registered with Hinkley.

Playing against men for the first time has forced him to up his game quickly but he is enjoying the challenge.

“The senior players are great at the club and guys like Danny and Jimmy are always happy to help me out whether that’s on the training field or reviewing my game’s footage,” he told The Rugby Paper.

“They give me good tips like staying square in attack and how to draw the defence in to open the space out wide. But it’s very much a case of me getting stuck in and learn on the go.

“Things happen quicker in men’s rugby and it’s been a challenge playing in the National League straight from leaving school. But it’s the best way for me to learn my trade and get up to speed as quickly as I can.

“At that level you have to take the decision yourself and figure out what’s best for the team. I’ve already played three games so far this season which has been great. I’ve very much enjoyed playing every week and I already feel a better player.”

Hinckley will be where Eastgate will get most of his game time but he has already played in two A-League games for Wasps and he has earmarked the LV=Cup has his next target.

While players like Rob Miller and Kurtley Beale can fill in at No.10, Eastgate is the third-choice out-and-out fly-half in the squad which could hand him an opportunit­y to make his profession­al debut in the next few weeks.

He added: “The LV=Cup is probably my biggest target this season. I’ll just keep training as hard as I can and hopefully perform well so the coaches think I’m good enough for the LV=Cup.

“Most of the games will take place during the internatio­nal windows so hopefully Danny will get picked which could give me a chance.

“I’ve played in the A-League twice this season, the last of which on Monday against Sale. The conditions weren’t great but we did what we had to do to get the win.”

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