The Rugby Paper

Esher defence under the spotlight after OAs try-fest triumph


JAMES Shanahan’s men sang the ‘OAs are Happy’ song on the field having killed Esher’s hopes of a comeback in just four minutes of the final ten.

The home side had got within two points and a missed penalty prevented them from taking the lead.

Then, with just under ten minutes left, OAs struck twice and the game was gone.

Up until then the match had been end to end with never a dull moment, both teams full of attack but, as the score depicts, both defences were found wanting.

The sides shared honours in the tight with lineouts going almost as planned and scrums likewise.

Both packs had a moment when they looked as if they were going to be powerful but neither took advantage of that situation.

Esher’s coach Tom Williams said: “Our defence is atrocious. How can you score five tries and lose? We let in 33 points last week and 43 this.

“You can’t expect to win games like that. What is it when you go through stuff on the training ground but it appears no one learns or perhaps listens?

“We try and plan strategies for the games but there’s probably five guys taking heed. We are terribly inept.”

Williams will have been grateful for the usual total commitment of Spencer Sutherland making at least two try-saving tackles

which, to be honest, is no less than his normal input. If Williams had 20 Sutherland­s he’d be fine.

Shanahan opened the scoring after just four minutes which was returned just five minutes later when Tom Yellowlees dotted down.

Billy Johnson returned the compliment with Esher’s Steve Boatman touching down to get things on an even keel. OA’s Harry Bate took the score to a 15-19 half-time lead.

Johannes Lombaard extended the visitors’ lead then the home side’s Thomas Whitehurst and Joseph Beckett got it back to within two points.

Nicholas Foster and Craig Dowsett then did the damage and although Sutherland grabbed a try on the final whistle it was just too late. Esher’s Boatman converted three and knocked over a penalty.

OA’s Benjamin Palmer converted five and a penalty in return.

OA’s Shanahan said: “It was a typical Esher v OAs game. Loads of points. We got involved in an end-toend kicking game and we thought let’s keep the ball in our hands and see what happens, and it worked.”

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