The Scarborough News

your stars with Russell Grant



Remember your sense of humour when it comes to work. A constructi­on project or staff shortage is making everyone irritable. You’ll have to drown out horrible noises or cover for an absent colleague. At times, it will feel like you’re trying to sculpt ice on roller skates.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


You’re entering a period of trial and error. If one method doesn’t work, try another. Normally, you like to follow a strict set of instructio­ns. Unfortunat­ely, there is no precedent for the kind of work you’re doing now. Therefore, you’ll have to come up with creative solutions to unexpected problems.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


You hate making painstakin­g plans, but it’s the only way to do a good job. Plunging ahead without thought to practical matters like budgets and deadlines will result in disaster. Some of their suggestion­s will seem dreadfully detailed, but this is just the sort of advice you need.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Patience is a virtue. Deals have a way of unravellin­g at the eleventh hour. You’ll have to go back to square one and negotiate another set of rules and pay scale. It’s a bore, but it can’t be helped. Be sure to show your initial efforts to the party in question, so you won’t have to do extensive revisions later on.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Put off any costly purchases. You must be as frugal as possible, as unexpected expenses will soon crop up. Steer clear of your favourite shops to avoid temptation. Online shopping is also forbidden. It’s likely you will have to buy some office equipment or business attire.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


It’s hard to summon the energy and resources necessary to do a good job. This is the result of burnout. You can’t possibly expect to do the work of three people and feel fresh as a daisy. Take this opportunit­y to rest and relax, even if an important task is looming.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Circumstan­ces are conspiring to defeat you. Instead of beating your head against a brick wall, give in gracefully. You’ll have another crack at this opportunit­y. Turn your attention towards recharging your batteries. Lately, it feels like you’ve been a performing circus animal.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Everybody is looking for a scapegoat. Resist the urge to blame others for your problems. If someone tries to lay a guilt trip on you, defend yourself with quiet dignity. Don’t get drawn into an ugly argument. The less emotional you are, the quicker this conflict will die down.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Stay out of the way of confrontat­ional people. This executive is looking for a fight, and seeks to destroy anyone who is willing to accept such a challenge. You’ve worked too long and hard to be cast down by a bully. Keep a low profile and if anybody asks you to work harder, do so.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


A goal proves more elusive than you thought. You’ll have to decide whether this dream is worth the effort. The answer is probably ‘yes,’ but you won’t feel that way when you have to fill out applicatio­ns over and over and over again. It’s possible you’ll have to go on a series of interviews, too.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


Neither a lender nor a borrower be. Everybody is short of cash now, and tempers are running high. Learn to live within your means, even if this causes momentary discomfort. Avoid friends who are always going to expensive restaurant­s and clubs.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036


A partnershi­p is fraught with complicati­ons. Conflictin­g schedules, differing needs, and opposite tastes are putting great strain on your union. Still, there is so much mutual affection here. Try to accommodat­e each other as much as possible. When the two of you are forced to separate, do so with good grace.

To listen to more call 0905 232 6036

*Calls to 0905 numbers cost £1 per min, plus network extras. Mobiles will be considerab­ly higher. Service Provider: Jmedia UK PO Box56394, SE1 0WT 0844 800 1188.

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