The Scarborough News

Sudden closure of a family favourite

- Report by Laura Crothers follow me @Laura_crothers

A WELL-KNOWN family attraction has closed suddenly in Scarboroug­h.

Iron padlocks are now binding the gates closed outside Playzone in Columbus Ravine.

The children’s indoor adventure playground, to requests from the Evening News for informatio­n about the administra­tion process at Playzone.

Workmen from Nottingham were on site on Wednesday after being called in to clear the stock, fixtures and fittings from the business.

However, they found themselves locked in after the gates were closed with them still inside.

Speaking through the gates to the Evening News, one of the workmen said: “We were just told to come down here and clear out the site.

“We got here and everything was open so we went in to start with our work.

“Next thing we know someone pulls up in a Mercedes, switches all the power off to the building, then padlocks the gates shut.”

Playzone Scarboroug­h Ltd is listed online as owing creditors and bank overdrafts a total of £62,024, with a company net worth of -£86,351 from accounts filed in 2011.

The business was based in part of the old Dennis Printworks off Columbus Ravine. The former printworks was also home to a photo studio and a lighting business, both of which had already left the unit, leaving it now empty.

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