The Scarborough News

The story behind exclusion figures


AS headteache­r of George Pindar Community Sports College, and having been offered the opportunit­y to respond to the story on the front page of yesterday’s Evening News:

Three years ago we adopted a zero tolerance policy to smoking on the school site. Alongside this we introduced a smoking cessation programme. In the first year that this ran 28 young people were excluded for smoking on site. In the second year this ran nine young people were excluded for smoking on site. This year only one young person has been excluded for smoking on the site.

In the last three years there have been three exclusions relating to alcohol. All three were for students who arrived at the school gate under the influence of alcohol.

No young person in the last three years has been found with or been excluded from GPCSC for using drugs of any kind.

Cigarettes/smoking are classified as a drug under North Yorkshire’s exclusion coding.

Under the previous Headship of Hugh Bellamy and under my own we have been very clear that we will get from young people what we expect from young people. If we have high expectatio­ns of behaviour and learning and make sure there is adequate challenge and support then we know that standards will rise. I make no apology for ensuring that the small minority of students who sometimes struggle with their behaviour are not allowed to impact on the enjoyment and learning of the vast majority who want to get on. As such I have no problem using the sanctions we have, such as exclusion, to ensure that this is the case.

I would hope that any current or prospectiv­e parents who have read the article and may be feeling some disquiet will focus on:

l What GPCSC is actually like – in our latest parental survey 98% of parents said they felt that their child felt safe at the school. Nintey per cent said they would recommend the school to another parent.

l Ofsted have rated GPCSC ‘Good with Outstandin­g Features’.

l Our open invitation to any prospectiv­e parent to visit the school whenever they wish. We will provide them with a student guide who will take them round the school to visit any area they wish and answer any question they ask.

What is the answer to the “Toll of pupils barred”? Firstly, understand the figures and the story behind them. Secondly, realise that the last thing any headteache­r wants to do is to exclude any student. Thirdly, ask why when schools do everything they can to encourage good behaviour, reward hard work, discourage antisocial behaviour and support students a minority still exhibit difficult and anti-social behaviour – where are they getting it from?

Finally, does anyone believe that the minority getting it wrong should be allowed to impact on the enjoyment and progress of the vast majority who get it right? John Senior Headteache­r, George Pindar Community Sports College Moor Lane


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