The Scarborough News

Motoring pain


IT SEEMS like a very long time since the Budget speech had any good news in it, regardless of which side of the House was doing the talking.

Regardless of the intention, the average motorist feels put-upon and that the car is the one element of our daily lives that never benefits from a tax cut.

Any hopes of the motorist getting a break in the 2012 Budget were dashed as Chancellor George Osborne announced that the planned fuel duty rise in August this year would go ahead.

On August 1, a fuel duty increase of 3.02p will take effect, which could see diesel prices reach 150p per litre if the price of crude continues its current trend.

Edmund King, AA president, says: “At a time of record prices at the pumps, the August increase in duty is a budget blow-out which will force drivers off the road and could bring a summer of discontent for many.

“We have heard much about tax allowances but the increase in fuel duty makes no allowance for car-dependent, rural and disabled drivers.

“Only last week the Prime Minister told American students that UK fuel prices would make them ‘faint’, yet the Government seems intent on inflicting more pain for no gain on drivers.

“Ironically, such a hike in duty doesn’t necessaril­y help government finances as people will cut spending at the pumps and in shops, and it could fuel inflation.”

What this will do is make all drivers ever more fuelsavvy and conscious of their vehicle emissions.

Vehicle Excise Duty has also increased, although this is an as-expected change in line with inflation. Cars in bands A to C have no increase, bands D-J increase by £5 for 12 months, band K by £10, while bands L and M increase by £15.

So the desirabili­ty of small, fuel-efficient cars will be maintained, all of us will pay closer attention to our driving style and as a result the world will be a cleaner place – at least that’s the theory.

 ??  ?? Ford’s Focus ST will star in the film remake of The Sweeney
Ford’s Focus ST will star in the film remake of The Sweeney

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