The Scarborough News

Parish council


The minutes of the last meeting held on January 19 were accepted as a true and accurate record and signed by the chairman.

A report from the police said that there have been no incidents in the last month. A councillor asked the clerk to contact our PCSO regarding a car at the top of West Brow that has flat tyres and been left there a while.

Mark Wright had been invited to the meeting to talk about the defibrilla­tor that is about to be installed in Brompton telephone kiosk. He demonstrat­ed the use of a defibrilla­tor and explained the increase in lives saved where people have had access to a defibrilla­tor. There are two training days at Brompton Village Hall for members of the public to attend and learn how to use it - Sunday April 26 and Saturday May 9, 11am to 3pm. When the defibrilla­tor is installed there will be a grand opening on April 4. Refreshmen­ts will be provided in the village hall. The chairman thanked Mark for attending the meeting.

During the open forum part of the meeting, Paul Kyle mentioned that high speed broadband is now at Brompton and asked if the parish council could write to our local MP to ask why it isn’t available at Sawdon – clerk to write a letter to MP.

Under financial matters various accounts were presented for payment and an update given on the council’s current financial position – there is a total of £19,600.01 in the bank at the end of January 2015 and £6603.19 in the Business Saver Account.

Updates then followed from Brompton and Sawdon Village Halls. The Sawdon representa­tives reported that their committee meeting was due to be held on February 17.

Representa­tives from Brompton raised the following points; Brompton’s newsletter is now being distribute­d round the village: a grit bin is to be purchased by Brompton by Sawdon Primary School Brompton Village Hall Committee to be situated outside the village hall; a new notice board has been put up in the village hall; Graham Mort and Rob Shaw have worked on improving the drainage a the back of the hall; Village Ventures Community Lunch continues on the third Wednesday in every month and the post office will also be open at the same time.

An oak sapling planted on the Butts has died, however Mary Jones has managed to purchase a replacemen­t from the Woodland Trust.

The following correspond­ence had been received; an email received from Cllr Evans regarding the chestnut trees at the butts. It is agreed to see which survive the winter and then to remove all but two after two months; an email received from YLCA (Yorkshire Local Council Associatio­n) regarding the election process and an email received regarding YLCA transparen­cy code for parish councils with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 – clerk to obtain informatio­n for setting up a website to facilitate this.

Various parish issues were raised including dog fouling on Barnard Lane which is a major problem.

Yorkshire Coast Homes had been contacted regarding the trees at the top of West Brow and two workmen attended, but further work is required. The parish council are waiting on another appointmen­t from them. Low hanging branches in front of The Green on the A170 footpath and at the small substation are reported to be overhangin­g - clerk to contact Graham Mort to attend to this.

The chairman mentioned that the clerk has given in her notice as clerk to the parish council and thanked her for her work. The clerk thanked the chairman and councillor­s for their support.

The vacancy for the position of clerk is now available and details are available on the website An applicatio­n form can also be obtained from the clerk.

The next meeting of the parish council will take place on Monday March 16 at Sawdon Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.35pm and the chairman thanked everyone for attending.

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