The Scarborough News

WI meeting


The March meeting of Seamer and Irton Women’s Institute started by president Edna Burton welcoming everyone, including visitor Katrina. Apologies were heard from absent members, and the treasurer reported that there were now 33 members.

The speaker, Harry Baines, a representa­tive of the Macmillan Nurses, was very interestin­g and informativ­e. He was thanked by Enid Plevey. Enid’s small spring flower arrangemen­t was also the competitio­n winner. The raffle winners were Norma King, Wendy Sanderson, Ann Chambers and Sheena O’Connell.

The Produce Show is this Saturday, 2-4pm, at Ayton Village Hall. Entries must be staged between 9am and 10.30am, and anyone unable to take their own entries should contact Ann Chambers. Doors are open to the public at 2pm and all are welcome. Admission is £1 to include refreshmen­ts. Members will meet at Betton Farm at 10.30am on March 31 for coffee and a chat.

The next meeting of the handicraft group will be in the Memorial Hall, Seamer, 2-4pm on April 8. This is a very informal group with all welcome to call in for a spot of knitting, sewing or any other handicraft to work alongside others, have a good chat and a cuppa.

The group meeting will be held at Snainton Village Hall on April 21 at 7.15pm, and the guest speaker will be David Chalmers, who has taken photograph­s of the Crown Jewels.

The Northern Federation craft and flower exhibition ‘100 Shades of Green’ will be held May 16-19 at Kiplin Hall, near Richmond. Transport has been arranged for those members wishing to attend and tickets are £8 each. The Federation Quiz will be held on June 15 in Thornton-leDale Village Hall at 7pm and teams of four people are wanted to take part. Anyone who would like to join a team must let the committee know by the next meeting.

There is to be a WI Centenary Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on June 2 and Jan Blower will be attending representi­ng Seamer and Irton WI. The Scarboroug­h area WIs have organised a garden party at the Downe Arms, Wykeham, on Wednesday June 10, 2-4.30pm. Tickets costing £10 will be available at the next meeting and will include a finger buffet, celebratio­n cake and a welcome drink.

The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on April 15 in the Memorial Hall, and will be a cookery demonstrat­ion given by ‘Ladies in Pigs’, a group of ladies promoting British meat. The competitio­n is for a handcrafte­d pig in any medium. was followed by a short extract from the video The Miracle.

In his address the Rev Staton spoke of the three meanings of the cross. The first was a Germinatin­g Cross in which he said Jesus had to die in order to produce fruit and we have eternal life because Jesus died; the second was a Glorifying Cross in which it brought glory and honour to the Father and the Son who loves us; and the third was a Gathering Cross in which Jesus draws people from all parts of the world to Himself.

Doreen Lawson was the organist, Bob Jackman the vestry steward, and Margaret Neave, who also took the collection, was the welcomer. Refreshmen­ts were served after the service by Amanda Clayton, and Paul Midgley will be the preacher at Palm Sunday’s 10.30am service.

A well attended beetle drive was held in the church room on Saturday evening. Dave Burn was the MC and a pie and peas supper was served by the ladies of the church.

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