The Scarborough News

Church services


On Easter Sunday at 6am there will be a service of Holy Communion on the battlement­s at Raven Hall Hotel led by the Rev Alastair Ferneley and the Rev Peter Cross. This will be followed by a compliment­ary breakfast at St Hilda’s Church from 7–9pm which is also available for the people wishing to attend the All-Age Family Service at 9.30am led by Ian Popely.

St Mary’s Cloughton will be holding an Easter Taize service at 6.30pm on Good Friday. county council had put their 2015/16 precept up by 1.9 per cent. He also apologised for not having attended meetings in recent months - this had been due to illness. In response to a question from Cllr Mrs Russell, he reported funding had been obtained to resurface parts of the cinder track and a survey was currently ongoing.

c) Borough. Borough Cllr. Bastiman reported Coventry University was to build a new campus on what was currently Weaponess Valley Coach Park – ultimately it would cater for over 5,000 students. In the interim, students would be taught at the Spa and Scarboroug­h Cricket Club.

d) Parish. Cllr Mrs Russell reported there were a lot of harebells on the railway line from Station Square towards Blea Wyke and asked if care could be taken not to damage them when the re-surfacing took place (clerk to contact borough council). Cllr Ms Broadhurst reported a dislodged stone in seaward parapet of Bent Rigg Bridge (clerk to inform Highways); she also reported on the recent presentati­on about fracking which she had attended. Cllr Terry reported he was on the executive for the LEADER project. Cllr Normington asked if there had been any progress with getting the bus times changed.

Station Square notice board. The clerk reported that grant monies were due in the bank within the week, the board had been delivered that week and Kelsall McEwan had been asked to put it up.

Correspond­ence a) Elections to appoint parish members to NYMNP – the timetable was received and noted Cllr Morgan wished to be a nominee for the coastal branch; the clerk to contact Cllr Morgan when nomination papers available. Ballot papers to be emailed to each councillor for completion and returned to clerk - it was agreed she was to have the delegated authority to collate councillor’s votes and submit decision of majority as this council’s choice; b) circular from NYMNP Planning regarding planning, administra­tion and enforcemen­t charges from 1/4/2015 – received and noted; c) correspond­ence received after 13/3/15 and requiring a response before next meeting – none.

Planning matters a) Applicatio­ns received/comments confirmed: 1) to erect agricultur­al livestock building at Grange Farm, Staintonda­le confirmed comments submitted of no objections to building but concerns as to the existing level of light pollution from the premises; 2) siting of 16 ground mounted solar panels and an air source heat unit at Beacon Windmill, Ravenscar confirmed comments submit- ted of no basic objections but screening may be needed; 3) to erect timber building and decking plus creation of new vehicular access at Wykewood Bungalow, Downdale Road, Staintonda­le – agreed no objections.

b) Decisions received and appeal dates notified: 1) alteration­s to second floor attic rooms and installati­on of rooflights to create three ensuite rooms and creation of link corridor at Raven Hall Hotel granted; – granted; 2) enforcemen­t appeal relating to land to the west of Crag Hill, Ravenscar - appeal dismissed, enforcemen­t notice upheld with a correction and variations.

Finance. The existing standing order for salary was amended with effect from April 15, 2015.

Accounts to certify. The following were approved for payment - village hall for this meeting £10; J Marley (2014/15 backpay £21.92 and contractua­l payments £154.94) £176.86; HMRC tax due 2014/15 £2.80.

The next meeting will be on May 21 in Staintonda­le Village Hall. Please note this will start at 7pm.

The following were put in circulatio­n – Clerk and Council Direct magazine March 2015, letter from NYMNP re new planning charges, and copy of enforcemen­t appeal decision for Crag Hill.

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