The Scarborough News

Riders should clean up too


In view of the fact that dog owners are now liable to clean up after their pooches, may I suggest that horse riders should do the same? The amount of mess they leave on the footpaths is both disgracefu­l and hazardous.

Margaret Baugh Crossgates, Scarboroug­h regularly visit the town realise just how good the Scarboroug­h Spa Orchestra is!

It is unique, there is nothing like it elsewhere in the UK, it gives almost daily concerts of an exceptiona­l quality with a constantly changing choice of music of all kinds.

The orchestra’s ability to play music in such a variety of styles is staggering.

We often hear the phase ‘something for everyone’, never was this more true than with the Spa Orchestra.

A Spa Orchestra concert is an entertainm­ent, a feast of great music, a calm haven in an otherwise busy day, a chance to witness first-hand the collective and individual talents of 10 fabulous musicians, a voyage into a tradition that is uniquely British and an indulgence in sheer nostalgia where virtually every tune triggers a memory.

Contrary to what you might think their concerts are not just for ‘oldies’ or ‘music buffs’, the Spa Orchestra truly offers something for everyone of all ages and interests. We come to live, work or holiday in Scarboroug­h for all sorts of reasons but chiefly because we love the town and its traditions.

As you make up your list each year of ‘what to do’ during the summer months don’t forget to include some concerts down at the Spa. Bring your friends, tell new visitors to the town, you won’t be disappoint­ed. Hurry though, the 2016 season ends this week.

Embrace the Scarboroug­h Spa Orchestra, be proud of it. It’s your orchestra!

Simon Kenworthy (Musical Director, Scarboroug­h Spa Orchestra 1992-2006)

Bergerac, France place to visit, stay a while, or even live and work.

Perhaps he should have said: “Thank you for all your comments, good and bad, on the Alpamare waterpark. As I’m in the position of portfolio holder for tourism I will pass on your comments to the management of the water park as the council does not own or run it.”

J Large Shire Croft, Scarboroug­h I read with some astonishme­nt the derisory remark about people’s perception of the new waterpark. It’s nice to know that the elected person has such a huigh regard for his constituen­ts. C Townsend Burniston Road, Scarboroug­h a second trip to the Jail on Dean Road – again a very interestin­g visit.

May I say thank you to everyone involved in the Heritage Weekend for opening places up which we normally do not see as a member of the public.

Janet E Shepherd Scalby, Scarboroug­h

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