The Scarborough News

Council’s netting solution ridiculed

A Scarboroug­h Council's comments that netting on building is the solution to halt the growing danger of gull snatches and mess have been ridiculed


Residents have ridiculed the council’s repeated suggestion that netting buildings will tackle gull swoops and mess.

Scarboroug­h Borough Council says netting buildings near the seafront will stop gulls nesting in the area.

Residents have called for more to be done, especially in light of the growing and dangerous cases of gull attacks on people eating, and the mess that has been left in the town centre shopping area.

One person dismayed at the council’s stance posted on Facebook: “Netting won’t work and will only cost taxpayers.

“For every time one gets caught up in the nets the fire service are called and roads are closed while they go up and get it at great cost to us the tax payers.

“Destroy the eggs in early nesting to control the population. Other councils do it and it works.”

Another person infuriated ed at the lack of ressponse by the council asked if it will be netting their home as the gulls would only move inland.

The Scarboroug­h News has set up a petition calling for a change in the law to control the population of seabirds for health, safety and environmen­tal reasons and to ensure that councils have no excuse for not protecting the public or the environmen­t. To sign the peition visit A council spokespers­on previously said: “Forcing the gulls back to their natural breeding grounds on the cliffs is no quick fix and involves working with a number of businesses and organisati­ons to request that they install netting on their buildings and infrastruc­ture to prevent nesting. We advised businesses prior to the nesting season this year about why netting is required and how to go about doing it and we will be repeating the exercise this autumn. We are appealing to businesses to assist us in helping to reduce the problem for the benefit of their own business and for the collective benefit of the town as a whole.”

 ??  ?? Gulls... the town centre mess that was left uncleaned.
Gulls... the town centre mess that was left uncleaned.

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