The Scarborough News



Cryptic Clues: Across

10.7. 8. 9. Scene combattime Raids perhaps Relatively­gentle(7) A first-classbacko­nof colour?a (7) raids,long(5) 12. colour abroadThey­on (10) watergo spread(5) on only fast, 15. Loyaltiesa­re important relatively that (6,4) 18. Deletelett­er in the Gaelic first 19. (5) Results of lobbing? (7) 21. Assemble for prayer (7) 22. She puts quite a lot of ice in her beer (5)


1. Standing charge for car drivers (7,3) 2. Designed by Manet, perhaps (5) 3. Fine opportunit­y for entertainm­ent (4)

4. It may be used to sort out a difficult problem (6) 5. Introducti­on before a stroll? (8)

6. Good route for a long-distance driver (7) 11. Died with heart strain - in great pain? (10) 13. Didn’t take things in a big way (8) 14. Friendly question of what I can do (7) 16. One invests in them and hopes (6) 17. Reliable firm (5) 20. Sang out in difficulty (4)

Quick Clues: Across

7. Conflagrat­ion (5) 8. Unfold (4,3) 9. Feat (7) 10. Drunkard (5) 12. Incivility (10) 15. All-knowing (10) 18. Unmoving (5) 19. Zeal (7) 21. Detergent (7) 22. Circular (5)


1. Fawning (10) 2. Glad (5) 3. Nought (4) 4. Janitor (6) 5. Throw overboard (8) 6. Joined (7) 11. Backward (10) 13. Cheeky (8) 14. Unbeliever (7) 16. Tell (6) 17. Fashion (5) 20. Unusual (4)

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