The Scarborough News

Hiding behind laws


Law, justice and morals were the subjects for debate at last week’s Forty Club meeting. The speaker, Les Maw, told members about his upbringing in an honest decent family with no swearing allowed. If a policeman came to the door it was shocking and embarrassi­ng. Kids did not steal from shops because everyone knew them but they did poach the odd rabbit or pheasant in the countrysid­e.

When he was an apprentice a customer asked him for a receipt for twice the amount of the bill and Les did not understand why he wanted it. Les said we have so many laws now and his home-made car trailer and number plate is no longer legal. Even putting the wrong waste in your bin is illegal. Crossing the Thames river bridge you must pay online but Les has no computer so could have broken the law if he had not been helped out.

He concluded that there are miscarriag­es of justice but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Members commented on the recent Brexit trial where our own government lost in court and on US president Trump who was voted in because he cheated on his taxes and got away with it.

Are there too many laws and not enough morals? Many fear the legal system especially when expensive lawyers win over those with fewer resources. Corporatio­ns often say they have broken no law but we all know they have cheated the system and acted immorally. Chris Gosling gave the vote of thanks for a talk that took us back to our childhood and stirred up a good debate.

This week’s meeting is on Saturday February 4 in Scarboroug­h Library at 11am. The public debate topic is ‘Are local councils still fit for purpose?’ Everyone is welcome.

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