The Scarborough News

Women’s Institute


A fascinatin­g talk was given to the ladies of the Scalby and Newby WI by Tim Tubbs who spoke about the life of Catherine de Medici, France’s Wicked Queen Mother.

Through Tim’s enthusiasm on the subject, members were taken back to the 16th century to witness the precarious­ness of living at Court and the status of women in Europe.

Members were reminded about the Spring Council Meeting which will take place on Wednesday 29 March at the Spa Complex in Scarboroug­h. On Thursday 2 March a visit has been arranged to Drax Power Station and members were asked to convene in the Scalby Community Hall car park at 11am for transport.

Volunteers were requested to collect for the Alzheimer’s Society on Friday 28 April when the Tour de Yorkshire Cycle Race comes to Scarboroug­h.

The West Yorkshire Federation has arranged a holiday to Yorkshire to which WI members are invited and this group will be visiting Scotland at the end of October. The Vale and Dale group has organised a trip to Thixendale on Thursday 20 April when members will have the opportunit­y to visit the Robert Fuller Art Gallery and, possibly, a look round the Wharram Percy archaeolog­ical village.

Lessons in simple car maintenanc­e are being arranged – further informatio­n will be announced.

Dates for your diary were: Friday 31 March, Catch Up club meet at Emma’s Coffee Shop, Huntriss Row at 12.30pm; Thursday 9 March, Craft Group meet at the Friends’ Meeting House at 2 pm and the next General Meeting is at the Friend’s Meeting House on Monday 27 March at 7pm.

Please note that all future meetings of the Scalby and Newby WI will start at 7pm. Guests and visitors are most

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