The Scarborough News

Boyes family values


The Scarboroug­h Ladies Lifeboat Guild held its Tuesday Luncheon Club on February 21 at The Red Lea hotel. There was a good attendance of 71 members and seven guests, three of which become new members. The meal as usual was good, and the staff attentive.

The raffle raised £157, thank you ladies for your generosity. The winners were Betty Dale, Ann Woodhouse, Virginia Rees, Lynne Scarret, Val Hotchin, Angela Samples, Carol Bisby, Iris Scales and Olive Deaves.

The speaker was Andrew Boyes whose talk was entitled, ‘More than I bargained for’. It was very informativ­e, William Boyes founded the firm and it has been run by generation­s of the Boyes family ever since, with over 50 stores across the country. The company’s slogan is ‘For Good Value’. In the ‘50 and ‘60s they used to have monkeys in the store with one cheeky monkey called Jacko, but in the ‘70s it was not politicall­y correct to keep them in cages so they had to go. The chairman Gladys thanked Andrew for a very entertaini­ng and interestin­g talk.

The next luncheon is on March 21, the speaker will be Jonathan Botham.

The Mad March Fair coffee morning is today, Thursday, 10am at the Crown Spa hotel, £5 per head to include tea, coffee and cake with stalls, raffle and tombola.

March 14 is the spring lunch, £18.95 per head, at The Park Manor hotel, noon for 12.30pm. Please let chairman Gladys know as soon as possible if you can attend on 01723 366630.

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