The Scarborough News

Brilliant Bronwen storms to second in Cross Country

Haslam picks up third place in gruelling Saltersgat­e run

- By Mick Thompson Twitter: @SN_Sport

Bronwen Owen competed for the club in the second round of the West Yorkshire Cross Country League, which was held at Nunroyd Park Leeds. This was Bronwen’s first cross-country race after 22 months after setbacks in 2016, and so she was therefore delighted to finish a close second in the Senior Women’s Race behind England internatio­nal Georgia Malir of Leeds City Athletic Club.

Eleven club members competed in the third round of the Esk Valley Fell Club’s Winter Handicap which was the Saltergate Gallows Fell Race.

The race started and finished at Levisham Village Hall and consisted of a very muddy 8.1 mile course with 1,000 feet of climb, across the North Yorks Moors including the Hole of Horcum

The first finisher for the club was Rhona Haslam who was third female overall.

Rhona was followed by Neil Scruton who was 1st Over-70 once again.

Newcomer Owen Willis was next, followed by Sue Haslam who was first Over-60 and Mark May.

Heidi Coates followed and closed in for the winning women team.

Other finishers in order were, Juliette Pilgrim, Nick Coombes, Louise Milne, Serena Partridge Partridge who finished with David Parke.

A record total of 25 club members competed in the famous Leeds Abbey Dash

10 kilometre, which includes an inter -regional and armed forces team competitio­n.

This year it also hosted the England Athletic Associatio­n 10 kilometre Championsh­ip.

The first for the club was Phil Markham who was 578th of 8,925 finishers in 39 minutes 2 seconds.

Sean Kelly and Glyn Hewitt both ran PB times, with Kelly clocking 39.21 and Hewitt 39.32

Rachel Gyte was the first of the club’s 13 females with a PB time of 48.34.

She was followed by Sally Elwick who also ran a PB time of 52.36, and Rebecca Dent 53.56

Former club member Helena Schofield finished first for the Royal Air Force women’s team and was third overall inter services, with a massive personal best time of 37.52.

All other times:

Men: N. Pearcey 41.48, J. Marshall 42.35, C. Allen 43.45, D.Field 43.56 PB, R. Sheader 45.22 PB, P. Barnard 47.29, G. Shelton 48.40, J. Bamford 49.04 PB, G. England 52.26 PB Women: J. Langham 52.18 PB, S. Casey 54.12, S. Corden 55.21, P. Morris 57.21, L Jones 64,42, J. Fish 61.37, S. Parsons 67.23, M. Day 71.25 PB, W. Pattison 75.03 PB, S. Gilbert 85.09 PB.

Paul Chapman competed in the Edinburgh 10 Kilometre Road Race, and after his 5th race over the distance this year he was pleased to achieve a personal best time of 42.52 and was provisiona­lly placed 248th of 1592 finishers.

Julie and Chris Clayton continue to compete at a variety of races at their home base in Cyprus.

In a cross-country race organised by the resident military at Episkopi, Julie was joined by visiting Jane Hamp and two other females, who represente­d the Dheklia and Agios Nickolaos Station, (DANS).

In very hot weather conditions and over a hilly 4.7-mile course, their team was the first women’s team.

Julie was also a member of a winning DANS team two weeks earlier.

Julie, Chris and Hamp also competed in the Papoutsa Peak Mountain Race which consisted of a tough 14-kilometre course up to the peak at 1,600 metres with a gain of 1,000 metres.

The weather started off very hot but soon changed with driving rain and mist.

The runners had to climb over rocks at the top, eventually with the deteriorat­ing weather conditions, race officials had to stop runners reaching the peak as it became too dangerous.

Chris finished 11th overall and Hamp was second female.

Julie missed a turning which added to the distance covered but she still finished the race.

 ??  ?? The runners line up at Saltersgat­e
The runners line up at Saltersgat­e

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