The Scarborough News

Council: please leave this club alone


I have just heard that Scarboroug­hBoroughCo­uncilpropo­ses to stop the continued use of the South Cliff Bowling Green for developmen­t purposes.

That would be a great shame for a club with more than 100 years history behind it and a very proud history.

Moving the club to a different location would be better than nothing but it takes many years for a bowling green to mature – as the South Cliff one has – and the momentum of the club would be seriously affected.

I know that after the war my club, Helmsley Bowling Club, played matches there and enjoyed the hospitalit­y and competitio­n.

Please Scarboroug­h Borough Council ... reconsider your proposal.

Leave the South Cliff Bowling Club to continue its heritage. John Gray, Chairman, Helmsley Bowling Club that are encouragin­g new and younger players to start playing the game. Against this background, Scarboroug­h Council should be looking to support the creation of new bowling greens not destroying the existing ones.

Hopefully there are enough forward-looking councillor­s in Scarboroug­h to both prevent the loss of the Filey Road facility and even look to promote and create new bowling opportunit­ies for all to enjoy.

John L Catley Riccall

York In many clubs you will find people in their 80s and beyond as active members.

It would be a very shortsight­ed move to destroy this facility.

Even if a new location is offered, I suspect the re-location will knock the stuffing out of the willing volunteers who run clubs such as this and the facility will be diminished or lost.

This green is one of Scarboroug­h’s heritage assets as well as providing an open space in a built up area. It would be wrong to destroy it.

Elaine Gathercole Hill Croft


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