The Scarborough News

Alarm at the intention to close the green


I am alarmed to hear that the local council are considerin­g closing your green.

Besides the obvious loss to the bowlingcom­munitydoth­eynot realise the impact it will have on Scarboroug­h in terms of tourism? I know that a lot of people visit your club in the summer and they all need hotel rooms and they all spend money in the town.

I hope the council can be persuaded to abandon this idea. John Selley,

Secretary, Redcar Borough Park

Bowling Club This was in his written response online to all the people who objected to the Futurist planning applicatio­n.

I have asked him for clarificat­ion but he is apparently unable to answer emails.

This confusion is coming from the leader. This along with Cllr Mallory’s expenditur­e figures debacle back in January does not inspire confidence in transparen­cy.

A big thank you to Debi Silver, Patricia David and all those members of the public who gave time and support to the Futurist. Sadly, for valiantly taking the lead on this they are in debt to the council. Please help them even if you can only give £1. Have a collection at work if possible.

It would be nice though if the council were to write off this debt. Considerin­g we are paying £4m to clear the site, plus any knock on costs, for the “exciting Flamingo Land plans.”

Ali Wilkins Londesboro­ugh Park

Seamer will breath life into the future developmen­t of the site. David Moore Tarella Road Wentworth Falls NSW, Australia

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