The Scarborough News

True meaning of Christmas


As most of us are preparing for Christmas, let us pause and reflect what is all about.

It is celebratin­g the birth of Jesus, we buy gifts for each other, as the wise men brought gifts to Jesus at His birth. Jesus came to seek and save the lost and undone.

Please think carefully about the true meaning of Christmas.

The Salvation Army and St Mary’s parish house are two examples in Scarboroug­h. Jesus said, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

May I say merry Christmas to you all. E Williamson Briercliff­e Scarboroug­h Families. Look North presenter Harry Gration once again compered the event which featured Simone Rebello, Celebratio­n Brass and the magnificen­t 110 strong united schools choir under the leadership of Paul Davidson and Karen Chalmers. All participan­ts were superb.

I would like to say thank you to the local press for promoting the concert, BBC Radio York for recording the concert which will be broadcast at 6pm on Christmas Day.

Special mention to the staff at the Spa complex for their help under very difficult circumstan­ces beyond their control, our many sponsors whose financial support is invaluable and to the committee members who put in many hours hard work over the year.

This is a community Christmas celebratio­n which is looked forward to by so many every year.

Thank you to everyone who has passed on many kind remarks since the concert it is very much appreciate­d.

Next year’s 21st birthday concert will be held on Saturday, December 8, 2018, and tickets will be on sale on Monday, September 17, 2018.

May I wish you all a very happy Christmas. Nigel C Wood, Concert Chairman, Festive Spectacula­r Hague Avenue Scarboroug­h

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