The Scarborough News

Gardeners needed for final In Bloom push

- By Poppy Kennedy Twitter: @ReporterPo­ppy

ahead of the judging for the Yorkshire in Bloom awards which will take place in the first two weeks of July.

Now they are appealing for green-fingered residents to give them a helping hand to complete the work that needs to be done.

Filey often received a gold or silver gilt and has been named the category winner on multiple occasions and volunteer Pauline Jackson wants to ensure the garden is in pristine shape.

She said: “We’re hoping we can get the garden ready this year. The weather has been so bad that we haven’t been able to get started for some time. It needs a really good blitz.

“It was really wet to start off with and it was really muddy so we couldn’t do much.”

She says if they could get 10 people to help out for a few hours they may be able to get it ready in time for the judging team’s visit.

Pauline says two residents, Audrey Lakin and Vera Pugsley, began gardening at the church 19 years ago.

Around four years ago Pauline and Julie took on managing the garden with the help of David West.

To ensure the garden is looking the best it can next month, Pauline has organised a time for residents to come down and help out.

Anyone who is available between 1pm and 5pm on Friday June 29 is encouraged to come along and get involved.

The gardening volunteers are asked to bring their own tools but Pauline will provide waste bags. + SHARE YOUR NEWS

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