The Scarborough News

Meet some of the brave ladies taking part



I am doing this because I am a breast cancer survivor and I’m thankful for every day. I was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram and had a mastectomy, chemothera­py, radiothera­py and breast reconstruc­tion. I would like to thank all the Brilliant doctors and nurses and to help raise lots of money for all the wonderful BC charities who with their research helped save my life and lots of others’.


Ladies, please, please do attend your mammograms! I was diagnosed with high grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), following a routine mammogram in November 2017. Receiving excellent care and support in York District Hospital, I had my first operation on 19th December 2017 when part of my left breast was removed. This procedure had to be repeated on 15th January 2018. Results indicated that cancerous cells were still present and so I had a left side skin sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruc­tion on 8th February this year. The radiation treatment they had discussed with me was now no longer necessary. Happy days!

I had had no lump to feel and no outward changes to my breast prior to my mammogram . . It was the mammogram which raised suspicion! But just look at me now . . happy,healthy and learning to dance !! My heartfelt thanks go out to my surgeon, Miss El Sharief and Breast Care Nurses, and of course to my loving family members and good friends who supported me through this difficult time. They obviously love me for who I am.

I think my message has been made clear, but just in case – Ladies, please,please do attend your mammograms !!


I am there because I have lost one of my very close relatives Rita to breast cancer. I have a friend Di dealing with cancer right now who thankfully is starting to feel a bit better. I lost a very good friend Trevor last year to prostate cancer. I am doing this for all of you. Also because of the wonderful inspiratio­nal ladies I am lucky enough to be dancing with, who I can now call friends. You are all truly amazing.


I’m doing this for me and one of my sisters, we were lucky to get through it and to get other ladies and men to check their boobs and not to be embarrasse­d about it and to raise lots of money for some amazing charities.


Everyone is unique and special but cancer shows no boundaries . ... I have witnessed first hand the devastatio­n, hurt and grief that cancer can inflict on family and friends. I feel privileged to be part of this event with remarkable ladies to raise funds and help create awareness. Together we are strong!


My reason for dancing is for my daughter Sally who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017. As a mum the news was devastatin­g, the phone call in August 2017 was the worst news any parent should take. I thought she was talking about someone else and she had made a mistake. Her dad and I couldn’t understand and comprehend what was happening, the shock was immense. Sally went through a mastectomy, chemothera­py and all the side effects , seeing my darling daughter with no hair, the weight loss and the strange effect chemo had on her body was awful. The later stages of chemo when things were at the lowest she said to me I just want to live to see my babies grow up, I can’t explain how I felt, distraught and so cross with this disease. Now a year on I find myself at 70 doing this dance routine not only for my daughter but for all these young women who have gone through this and come out with a full and healthy life. My girl is doing okay with 6 monthly checks, her hair is back and she is now looking forward to a long cancerfree life with her husband and children.


I’m doing this in memory of my wonderful dad who sadly passed away in 2007 aged 52. I hope that by taking part in this fantastic performanc­e we can together raise awareness and as much money as possible for some amazing causes that are very close to my heart. I also want to say a massive well done to all the ladies who have been brave enough to do this with me, you are amazing!


I’m doing this in support and admiration of all the sufferers and survivors of cancer. Also to raise awareness for ladies of all ages and sizes to check their boobs and to money for charity.

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