The Scarborough News

Pet dog killed by motorcycli­st on South beach

Trauma of owners who saw horrific accident

- By Court Reporter @thescarbor­onews

A motorcycli­st who ran over and killed a beloved pet dog on Scarboroug­h’s South Bay Beach was driving at an “excessive” speed, a court heard.

Adam Fletcher, 30, struck the young dog, a Patterdale Terrier named Mabel, as he rode along the sands with a friend, York Crown Court heard.

Fletcher claimed not to have seen the dog and thought he had struck a “sandcastle or a rock”, said prosecutor Brooke Morrison. He also claimed that it could have been his co-rider’s bike which struck the two-year-old dog.

The dog is thought to have been killed almost instantly and was carried back home about a 20-minute walk away by her heartbroke­n owners, who put out an appeal on

Facebook to find the rider.

It was only when Fletcher spotted the Facebook posts later that day that he contacted police, telling them: “I think I hit a dog.”

He owned up to being the rider but claimed he hadn’t realised at the time that he had struck an animal.

Ms Morrison said Fletcher had been riding around Scarboroug­h old town with other motorcycli­sts when he and his pal split off from the others and rode on to the beach, which was quite busy with families and dog walkers.

“The defendant and the other rider drove up the beach at some speed and were said to be in close proximity to each other,” she added.

Ms Morrison said Fletcher was “very remorseful” and was “gutted to find it was a dog”.

The named female owner told of the unbearable “trauma” of witnessing the “violent manner of (her dog’s) premature death”.

She said it was a “loss so great” and that Mabel’s death had had a “massive” impact on her and her partner. She had since suffered from sleep problems and “intrusive thoughts” and they had both had to take time off work.

Fletcher was initially charged with dangerous driving following the incident on February 15 last year, but the prosecutio­n ultimately dropped that allegation and the defendant pleaded guilty to careless driving.

Recorder Paul Reid said it was not certain whether Fletcher and his mate had been “racing” but that riding motorbikes on a beach full of people was “inherently unsafe”.

Fletcher, of Station Road, Sherburn, was fined £500 and ordered to pay the owners of the dog £209 compensati­on.

Fletcher was also ordered to pay £425 costs .

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