The Scarborough News


- By Alex

WHEN my teacher asked me to write a story for the Literacy Planet Intrepizin­e Writing Competitio­n, I was intrigued. I knew it would be a challenge, but I really didn’t expect to win!

By the age of five, I was already very interested in facts about science. I learned more and more about science, especially physics and astronomy, and by seven I had the idea that fiction could turn into fact. That’s why I chose to write about the amazing Alcubierre drive, which is an idea for propelling a spacecraft faster than the speed of light.

I titled my entry The Amazing Alcubierre Drive And Faster-Than-Light Travel. It’s something that could change space travel entirely in the future. I hope people enjoy reading my story. I had fun writing

it. I like to share informatio­n with the world.

 ?? ?? Alex

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