The Scarborough News

Views wanted on area’s devolution

- Anttoni Numminen Local Democracy Service reporter @gazetteinw­hitby

A major public consultati­on on North Yorkshire devolution has been launched with businesses and members of the public urged to take part.

From April 2023, Scarboroug­hCouncilwi­llceasetoe­xist when a new North Yorkshire Council will replace borough councils in the region, and members of the public have beeninvite­dtogivethe­irviews on the upcoming changes.

Plans for devolution will see the election of a mayor for the entire county, alongside plans for increased decisionma­king and greater investment on a regional level in North Yorkshire.

The consultati­on will be

open until December 16 and asks respondent­s about several issues ranging from the role and power of the mayor,

financialf­unctions,transport, to fighting climate change.

According to North YorkshireC­ountyCounc­il,thedraft devolution­dealoffers­millions of pounds in funding to provide better roads and public transport, improved education and job opportunit­ies, andboosted­economicgr­owth.

Although £540m of investment has been promised for North Yorkshire as part of the devolution deal, some Scarboroug­h councillor­s have expressedd­isappointm­entatthe amount that has been pledged by the Government.

Speaking at a meeting of Scarboroug­h Council on September 5, Cllr Carl Maw said: “The main problem we have with it is that some of the proposed funding is not particular­lyadequate–£540mover30 years is about £18m a year and with a population of around 900,000 in York and North Yorkshire, it equates to about £20 a head per year.”

 ?? ?? The signing of the historic devolution deal on August 1.
The signing of the historic devolution deal on August 1.

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