The Scarborough News

Quick march to see Hannah musical premiere at Spa

Love story between hairdresse­r and soldier was a funny, moving, pop tune-filled hit

- Sue Wilkinson

Wow! Wow! Wow! How exciting to have been one of the first people to see a home-grown musical – Hannah – the Soldier Diaries – premiere at the Scarboroug­h Spa.

There is so much to be positive about the stage show written and produced by Steve Wallis, who moved to the town six years ago – based on his audiobook of the same name.

That contains 11 narrated chapters with each chapter being compliment­ed by its own song.

In a nutshell – when hairdresse­r Hannah meets Lance Corporal Jack Webb in the summer of 2012 she is smitten. They enjoy a whirlwind four-week affair before Jack has to return to the Army to fight in the Afghan War.

As she does for the audiobook, Zoe Wright played Hannah, a 20-something Scarboroug­h lass with a sunny dispositio­n looking for Mr Right Now – and if he becomes a more permanent fixture in her life all well and good,

Zoe will be familiar to Scarboroug­h audiences from the Tony Peers summer shows in recent years at the Spa.

She has a clear-as-a-bell voice suited perfectly to the 13 original songs with a pop beat by Nik Martin – Scarboroug­hbased musical studio owner and writer of the catchy ‘big fish, little fish, cardboard box’ tune.

Soldier Jack was played by Stephen Alexander, who costarred with Zoe in Summer Show Encore at the Spa last year. He is from an Army family who live on the right side of the tracks in the capital of posh Yorkshire – Harrogate.

The clash of cultures and class is one of the underlying themes of the show.

Almost stealing the show was Scarboroug­h-based and Spa audience favourite Linda Newport whose part as the merry widow Mrs M allowed her to give full rein to her trademark nudge-nudge, wink-wink flirtatiou­sness. She was a joy to watch.

There was a cameo for the D-Day Darlings who looked stunning in Remembranc­e poppy-patterned dresses and sounded ‘fab-u-lous darlings’ – as they sang a song reminiscen­t of World War Two’s Forces sweetheart Vera Lynn’s hits.

The musical started on a sombre and serious note – with a recorded foreward by Ross Kemp who, of course, made a documentar­y about soldiers in Afghanista­n.

It reminded the audience of the legacy of that war, how many service personnel lost their lives or were injured and who are still living with the consequenc­es of conflict.

It also put Hannah and Jack’s love affair into context, the jeopardy Jack faced on his return to the frontline and the fragility that meant for their romance and relationsh­ip.

To give away too much of the plot would be to rob future audiences of the joy of watching Hannah and Jack’s affair unravel. Highlights, though, include the awkwardnes­s of Hannah meeting the ‘in-laws’, the poignancy of a railway station goodbye and the tension of the wait for news when Jack goes missing in action.

Other major roles were played by Karon Wallis as Jack’s mum, Darren Johnson as his dad and who also directs, and Flynn Denton as his brother Gary.

Chiela Robertson and Evie Blakey played Hannah’s hairdressi­ng colleagues the gloriously dim and dimmer Liv and Britt.

Of the songs the opening number Butterflie­s – about the first flurries of love – Mrs M’s two-fingered salute to life’s tribulatio­ns Funk IT – and I’m So Glad That I’m Me – Hannah’s shout out to her ex – are the best. Jack’s rap which undercuts some of the more schmalzy of the songs’ sentiments was a delight.

The quality of the production is superb, celebratin­g all that is best about Scarboroug­h with threedimen­sional backdrops of neon-lit South Bay, Luna Park and Peasholm – and its seaside character complete with kiss-me-quick hats.

‘Brilliant’ and ‘I’ve had my hanky out already’ were two of the responses from the friends I saw the show with.

Hannah – the Soldier Diaries is a funny, moving, pop tune-filled, uplifting experience that is also a timely reminder of how fragile peace is and how what is happening miles away can be brought to our doorstep. When it is in the West End, we can say we saw it here first.

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 ?? ?? Zoe Wright starred in the new musical, by Steve Wallis, which premiered at Scarboroug­h Spa.
Zoe Wright starred in the new musical, by Steve Wallis, which premiered at Scarboroug­h Spa.

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