The Scots Magazine

An Outdoors Career


After visiting Scotland and enjoying the freedom to explore the countrysid­e, Markus Stitz settled here permanentl­y in 2009.

Now he is a leading ambassador for bikepackin­g, an activity that combines adventure cycling with wild camping.

Markus, originally from Germany, is founder of Bikepackin­g Scotland, which promotes off-road cycling routes and organises events.

He said, “At the start, having easy access to the outdoors – and the adventures that resulted from that – helped me to settle into a new country.

“I discovered a new network of like-minded friends and that made it much easier to find my feet.

“I’ve also found that when faced with rougher patches in my life, physical exercise and the access to the Scottish hills have put me back on the right track.”

Cycling in Scotland launched Markus on a dream ride, circumnavi­gating the world on a single-speed bike.

He said, “I planned the world cycle while riding a lot in Scotland and after that big adventure I knew I wanted to do something to promote cycling.

“Now Scotland’s outdoors – and the brilliant access – has provided me with the chance to found Bikepackin­g Scotland.

“In the broader sense, the outdoors has given me a purpose in life.”

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Markus found a new purpose

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