The Scots Magazine

Big Kid Adventures

- @Scotsmaged ROBERT WIGHT, Editor mail@scotsmagaz­

MY nephew Archie is seven years old now. Roughly once a month, and with Storm the collie dug in tow, we have an “adventure weekend”. Usually, it involves packing the van with supplies and heading off to the wilds, chasing the forecast.

And like any reader of this amazing magazine, it tends to be in these pages that I find inspiratio­n for our travels!

This month, we took off for Ayrshire, staying at a lovely wee, family-run campsite right by the sea.

We spent a wonderful day exploring the beach, discoverin­g hidden coves and walking parts of the rugged Ayrshire Coastal Path.

After hotdogs in the van – Archie insists every van trip must include hotdogs – and a good night’s sleep, the next day we called in to Heads of Ayr Farm Park, a place I first read about in our Focus On section in a previous issue.

I remember it sounded like an amazing place for little kids – and big ones, too, truth be told – and so it proved to be.

We ended up there most of the day – and still didn’t get to see or do everything that was on offer.

There are loads of animals to see – from otters to llamas, and farm animals to meerkats!

Archie particular­ly enjoyed the animal handling sessions – a rare chance to get up close to some incredible creatures.

Then there are the activities – adventure playground­s, quad bikes, bumper boats, zip lines and an enormous section called “Diggerland”, otherwise known as “Heaven” to a seven-year-old.

And looking in this issue of your favourite magazine, there’s no shortage of ideas for future adventures, whether it’s exploring a “time warp” village in Aberdeen, lessons in chocolate making, camping in the Small Isles or even enjoying a “pop up” opera – you’ll find it all, and more, in The Scots Magazine!

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