The Scotsman

Paedophile who raped boy, 4, claimed victim ‘asked him to do it’

- Wilma riley

to welcome those annual pilgrimage.

Heavy rain overnight reduced the number of people who camped out or arrived early to witness the dawn compared with previous years, which have seen numbers of around 20,000.

A spokesman for English



the Heritage said: “There was torrential rain at some points during the evening. It has been the wettest and, dare I say, the muddiest in recent years.” A PENSIONER raped a four-yearold boy and then claimed the child asked him to do it, a court has heard.

At the High Court in Glasgow, 68-year-old George Cameron, a registered sex offender, admitted raping the boy at his f lat in the southside of Glasgow on 17 March.

The court heard that Cameron has two previous conviction­s for lewd and libidinous behaviour and indecency offences against young boys. In 1994 he was jailed for five years at the High Court in Glasgow.

Advocate depute Gillian Wade, prosecutin­g, who is head of the National Sexual Crimes Unit, told the court yesterday that Cameron lived near the child and his mother and that he had befriended them.

Miss Wade said: “They first met Cameron when he came to their door with a bag of toys. After that the mother and her son became friendly with Cameron.

“Cameron helped

by doing various errands for her and took her shopping in his car. He bought toys for the four-yearold and let him watch DVDs.

“As the year went on Cameron began to gain the confidence of the family and the mother’s trust and confidence in him grew.”

On 17 March, Cameron took the mother’s broken vacuum

“Cameron began to gain the confidence of the family” Advocate depute Gillian Wade

cleaner to his house to try to repair it and the boy went along to help.

About 15 minutes later Cameron brought the boy back and then left. He had given him a chocolate biscuit, a packet of Smarties and a yoghurt. The mother realised by the boy’s demeanour that something was wrong.

Eventually the boy told her he had been sexually abused by Cameron and she phoned the police. When Cameron was interviewe­d by officers he initially denied raping the boy, but eventually confessed. Cameron said: “He asked me to.”

He was asked whether he had ever done anything like that before with the boy, and replied: “No, he just thought it was like a kind of fun thing.” Cameron was asked whether he thought it was fun, and replied: “It was spur of the moment.”

Miss Wade said that the Crown was asking the court to consider a lifelong restrictio­n order which would allow the authoritie­s to closely monitor Cameron after his release from jail. She added: “His offending has escalated.”

Cameron was represente­d by QC John Hamilton, who will give his plea in mitigation at a later stage. Judge Lord Pentland placed Cameron, who is in Barlinnie Prison, on the sex offenders’ register.

He deferred sentence until 14 September at the High Court in Aberdeen and ordered a risk assessment to be carried out.

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Picture: Getty Images A reveller at Stonehenge was among the thousands of eclectic worshipper­s who turned out at the prehistori­c monument to welcome the sun A druid is all smiles at Stonehenge
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